The Senior Spotlight: Get to know Wellsville’s Loralai Crawford


Sports She Plays — Swimming, Softball

Favorite Sports Team (College or Pro) — Buffalo Bills

Favorite Athlete (College or Pro) — Haley Cruse, Oregon Softball

Favorite Road Venue to Play — Pool: Bath-Haverling, Field: St. Bonaventure

Favorite School Subject — Anatomy

Her Go-To Song on her Playlist — I Learnt Some Jazz Today, Tessellated

Favorite Movie — Tomorrowland

Favorite TV Show — The Resident

Favorite Meal — Steak and Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Favorite Social Media Follow — WeRateDogs (@dog_rates)

Who she looks up to the most in life — Her Parents and Dr. Kassas

Something you may not know about her — She loves political science TV shows


How are you adjusting to school life at home?

Loralai: “I’ve been spending a lot of time with my family, and a lot of time with my pets.”

What have you been doing in your spare time to keep your mind occupied?

Loralai: “I’ve been binge-watching Designated Survivor and other Netflix shows, as well as learning how to do embroidery.”


What are your future plans after high school? 

Loralai: “I will be attending the University of Rochester to study Biomedical Engineering and Astronomy on a premed track in hopes of becoming a prosthetic engineer.”

What coaches have influenced you the most throughout your high school career? Why?

Loralai: “Coach (Steve) Hand and Coach (Joe) Mariotti. Ever since I first started swimming, Coach Hand has always found ways to push me harder than myself, and Coach Mariotti has always had my back through the successful times and not so successful ones.”

How much has it meant to you to represent your school’s colors in the sports arena?

Loralai: “More than anything. I bleed orange and black. I’m surprised that I don’t stain the pool water around me whenever I jump in. I’m very sad to leave it behind me, but I am so proud to have represented the Lions on the field, and in the water during my career.”

What has been some of your favorite sports memories over the years in school?

Loralai: “Running in the rain with the track, running the steeplechase and vomiting on myself. I loved having jam sessions with the swimming team, braiding the softball team’s hair, having conversations with Lorelai Jones, and always cheering on Taylor Hurd and Emma Kinnicutt and always having them there to cheer me on no matter if we are in the pool, on the track or on the field.”

What’s your farewell message to your underclassmen at your school?

Loralai: “Cheer on your friends. I promise they will appreciate it and you will too when you find that you no longer can. Enjoy every moment you can while you have it. The end comes quicker than you think.”


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