The Senior Spotlight: Get to know Genesee Valley’s Sarah Francisco


Sports She Plays — Soccer, Golf

Favorite Sports Team (College or Pro) — Buffalo Bills

Favorite Athlete (College or Pro) — Carli Lloyd, U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team

Favorite Venue to Play — Genesee Valley

Favorite School Subject — History

Her Go-To Song on her Playlist — Any song by Motley Crue

Favorite Movie — She’s The Man

Favorite TV Show — One Tree Hill

Favorite Meal — Any pasta dish

Who she looks up to the most in life — Her parents

Something you may not know about her — She will be a participant in this year’s NY vs PA Corporate Cup Soccer Game


How are you adjusting to school life at home?

Sarah: “This was something not really any of us really pictured our last year of school to go, but I’m dealing with the online school as best as I can.”

What have you been doing in your spare time to keep your mind occupied?

Sarah: “I have been working a lot at the flower shop, and on nice days outside, I like to go outback of the school to kick and shoot the soccer ball around.”


What are your future plans after high school? 

Sarah: “I will be attending Alfred State College for Human Services to further my education to get my Master’s Degree to become a guidance counselor.”

What coaches have influenced you the most throughout your high school career? Why?

Sarah: “My soccer coaches have really influenced me the most through my high school career. Soccer being the sport I loved the most, it was really nice to have the coaches I did for it. Coach (Lisa) Schneider, who was with me for the four years in high school, helped me grow more as a player. She always tried her best to get our team involved with the best experiences and opportunities to help us become better players. I have learned so much from camps, practices and games, and I am thankful for the time I had with her as my coach.”

How much has it meant to you to represent your school’s colors in the sports arena?

Sarah: “It has meant everything to me being part of the Genesee Valley community. I will forever miss being on the field each night with my team, and my coaches.”

What has been some of your favorite sports memories over the years in school?

Sarah: “Anything from games, to camps have been some of my favorite memories over the years. Sophomore year, going into overtime with Fillmore and scoring against them on our home field was one of the most memorable and most exciting games for me that I will ever experience. Freshman year when the lights went out in the middle of our soccer game was another moment. WVU camp was another fun and different experience with my team.”

What’s your farewell message to your underclassmen at your school?

Sarah: “Enjoy every bit of the time you have left with your teammates and coaches.”


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