The Senior Spotlight: Get to know Cuba-Rushford’s Kyle Wittenrich


Sports He Plays — Football, Wrestling (at Franklinville), Track

Favorite Sports Team (College or Pro) — Buffalo Bills

Favorite Athlete (College or Pro) — Julian Edelman, New England Patriots

Favorite Road Venue to Play — Southwestern High School

Favorite School Subject —  Physics

His Go-To Song on his Playlist — Candy Paint, Post Malone

Favorite Movie — Thor: Ragnarok

Favorite TV Show — The Office

Favorite Meal — Spaghetti

Favorite Social Media Follow — Tom Brady (@TomBrady) 

Who he looks up to the most in life — Jesus Christ

Something you may not know about him — He used to race go-karts in the competitive field


How are you adjusting to school life at home?

Kyle: “I am just trying to do my best maintaining a regular schedule.”

What have you been doing in your spare time to keep your mind occupied?

Kyle: “Some things that I have been doing including continuing to workout in order to keep my mind and body feeling healthy, and strong.”


What are your future plans after high school? 

Kyle: “I will be attending Robert Morris University to continue my football career while pursuing a degree in Media.”

What coaches have influenced you the most throughout your high school career? Why?

Kyle: “My Dad was my Varsity wrestling coach in Franklinville, and ever since I started wrestling, he has always taught me to do all the extra things right.”

How much has it meant to you to represent your school’s colors in the sports arena?

Kyle: “Cuba-Rushford has had a great sense of community since the beginning. I have always felt pride whenever I was competing as a Rebel, whether it was football, wrestling out of town, or during track season.”

What has been some of your favorite sports memories over the years in school?

Kyle: “My favorite sports memory is having a chance to compete in the State wrestling tournament. I was in the finals at the Section VI State Qualifier tournament, and had advanced to compete for a State title.”

What’s your farewell message to your underclassmen at your school?

Kyle: “Just have fun in everything that you do.”


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