The Senior Spotlight: Get to know Fillmore’s Carlee Miller


Sports She Plays — Soccer, Basketball, Softball

Favorite Sports Team (College or Pro) — Florida Gators Softball

Favorite Road Venue to Play — Letchworth

Favorite School Subject — English

Her Go-To Song on her Playlist — Adore You, Harry Styles

Favorite Movie — Remember The Titans

Favorite TV Show — Friends

Favorite Meal — Cheeseburger and Fries

Who she looks up to the most in life — Her Nana

“She has easily been one of the biggest role models in my life. She is always encouraging me, and telling me how she can’t wait to see what I do in college and my future. She has taught me qualities like being determined, driven, compassionate to everyone. To be faithful, and to work hard for what your goals are. I strive to be like her in everything that I do.”

Something you may not know about her — She has four other sisters, and she loves art.


How are you adjusting to school life at home?

Carlee: “I think a lot of us would much rather be in school, but I am just trying to make the best I can out of it. We are very lucky though to have technology that allows us to keep in touch with our teachers and friends.”

What have you been doing in your spare time to keep your mind occupied?

Carlee: “I have been doing a lot of homework, workouts, some art, and have been trying to do a lot of things outside. One plus side to the quarantine is I can spend a lot of time with my family and sisters.”


What are your future plans after high school? 

Carlee: “I plan to attend Houghton College in the fall. I hope to major in Art and Education. I will also continue my sports career as a dual-sport athlete, playing basketball and softball.”

What coaches have influenced you the most throughout your high school career? Why?

Carlee: “My basketball coach, Tom Parks has been such a big influence to me throughout my high school career because he always pushes me and everyone else on the team to be the best that we can possibly be. He is one of the most committed coaches that I know. He always puts so much time and effort into our program and the team. Before the season, Coach Parks makes us set goals that we want to achieve by the end, and constantly reminds us to work hard for our goals. I would not be who I am today if it wasn’t for him. Another coach that has been a big influence in my life, is Jon Beardsley. He is my coach for both soccer and softball. I couldn’t be more grateful for the lessons he has taught me over the years. He is always pushing me to be the best I can. He has helped me shape into the person I am today. I am so thankful for both coaches that I have had in my high school career.”

How much has it meant to you to represent your school’s colors in the sports arena?

Carlee: “When I was little, I remember watching all of the older girls in the Fillmore uniforms, and I wanted to be just like them. Now that I have completed my years as a Fillmore Lady Eagle, I hope that many young girls can look up to me and say the same thing. Representing Fillmore throughout my high school is something that I will never forget. I am so blessed to have been able to be a part of such strong athletic teams, a great school, and even better community.”

What has been some of your favorite sports memories over the years in school?

Carlee: “Some of my favorite sports memories are winning Sectionals in basketball last year. It was the first time our program has ever done that, and the bus ride home through our town afterwards. Another favorite memory I have is winning Sectionals in soccer this past fall, and I scored with a header from a corner kick. I also will remember hitting a home run over the fence at Houghton College, and running to my teammates at the plate. These are memories I will never forget.”

What’s your farewell message to your underclassmen at your school?

Carlee: “Enjoy every minute of it that you can get. The time flies fast, and always encourage each other to do your best.”


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