The Senior Spotlight: Get to know Cuba-Rushford’s Kaden Moyer


Sports He Plays — Soccer, Hockey, Baseball

Favorite Sports Team (College or Pro) — Buffalo Bills/Buffalo Sabres

Favorite Athlete (College or Pro) — Steven Stamkos, Tampa Bay Lightning

Favorite Road Venue to Play — Bolivar-Richburg/Fillmore

Favorite School Subject — Fish & Wildlife

His Go-To Song on his Playlist — The Show Goes On, Lupe Fiasco

Favorite Movie — Hacksaw Ridge

Favorite TV Show — Breaking Bad/All American

Who he looks up to the most in life — His family and friends


How are you adjusting to school life at home?

Kaden: “I’ve been attempting to keep up with my school work, and staying as busy as possible.”

What have you been doing in your spare time to keep your mind occupied?

Kaden: “I’ve been trying to find new hobbies to stay as busy as I can, and I also picked up more hours where I work.”


What are your future plans after high school? 

Kaden: “I will be attending Alfred State College to begin majoring in Business Management. I will also continue playing hockey there as well.”

What coaches have influenced you the most throughout your high school career? Why?

Kaden: “ Both Coach (Nick) Perillo and Coach (Steve) Yatzkanic have influenced me the most out of everyone in high school. I started playing for them in my freshman year of school, and played through my senior year. I probably won’t be able to play baseball because of the virus, but throughout my four years of knowing and playing for them, I have learned and grown a lot.”

How much has it meant to you to represent your school’s colors in the sports arena?

Kaden: “I am proud of the school that I come from, and I love the people. I would not have chosen any other school. Both my parents graduated from Cuba-Rushford, and I am proud to have followed in their footsteps.”

What has been some of your favorite sports memories over the years in school?

Kaden: “I have many great sports memories as an athlete. But the ones that really stand out to me are winning a County championship last season against Bolivar-Richburg. We also made a great run in Sectionals shortly after that. Scoring a goal and winning our first Sectional game in a long time in soccer, and going to New York City for the State tournament in my freshman year for hockey.”

What’s your farewell message to your underclassmen at your school?

Kaden: “Don’t take things for granted or wish them away, especially in high school. It will turn out to be some of the best years of your life.”


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