BREAKING: It’s time for one last ride together.

I will be completely honest and transparent with you. The trips over the road in and out of Allegany County, the countless late nights, everything else in-between, I do it to put out the best product possible for your reading pleasure. I have no idea how I manage to do what I’ve been able to do. It’s like I’m the Energizer Bunny or something.

Through all the good things that I’ve been able to accomplish as a one-man wrecking crew since pre-COVID, there has to be some bad things right? My mental health, many sleepless nights, a broken camera lens before Sectionals, just to name a couple of things. I’ll admit, it’s beyond exhausting, even more so when it’s just you.

It has taken its toll on me for quite some time, but no matter how many times I fight off the urge to wave the white flag in surrender, I still continued to do what I set out to do.

Every. Single. Night. It’s just in my nature. It’s who I am.

The job that I love more than anything in the world to do. The picture above is a reminder of that.

I got this in my email from John Anderson. A moment shared between myself and my good friend, Paul Gotham at Pickin Splinters. The big smile on my face? — This was during the Section V, Class B Finals at Innovative Field in Rochester, where Wellsville and Notre Dame-Batavia clashed in a no-hit battle for glory.

Aside from the excitement it produced, it was also a game that very nearly brought me to tears. Why, you ask? The winning pitcher of that game is my nephew — Tyler Vogel. It was probably one of the greatest baseball games I’ve ever witnessed in all these years of coverage, and the greatest pitching performance I’ve seen him have. As you can probably imagine, it was very hard to keep it held back, especially being a member of the media. But sometimes, you just can’t help but to unleash some of that emotion in the name of family.

Now, he enters his final year of his amazing athletic career here in Wellsville. Tyler if you’re reading this, know that I am beyond proud of you.

With him preparing for his last year of school, a thought that I’ve always kept hidden deep within my mind for the last couple of years is one that I have yet to unearth.

That being the end of my journey in the local sports scene.

Until now.

This was not an easy decision for me to make by any means. This was something that definitely required me to ponder and debate it for the last several months. But today, I’m here to announce that this upcoming school year, the 2024-25 Allegany County High School Sports season, will officially be my last.

After turning 30 this past March, along with stabilizing the writing and photo-taking and the traveling that comes with it, alongside a 9-to-5 day job I’ve held constant since the pandemic, it has become increasingly more difficult for me to continue maintaining that balance. I have the richest of desires to get out and enjoy life the way it is meant to be enjoyed before it becomes too late. Life is precious, and I haven’t really had very many opportunities to go out into the world and do that. I don’t anticipate letting those chances slip from my grasp again.

As Jim Rohn once said: “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”

As for what lies ahead next in my future? It remains to be seen, but I do know that it will not be spent here at a place I’ve called home for so long. I will keep you all posted on the next stop of my journey, in the time to come. But right now, in this present moment, it’s something I don’t wish to think about with the Fall season already on the horizon.

I do, however, would like to issue some very special thanks in advance.

First to Fred Pace, who blessed me with this incredible opportunity five years ago. Yes, five years ago, believe it or not, to take under my wing and towards heights it has never been before. Without his investment of generosity, kindness and trust in me, none of this would have been remotely possible to undertake. I hope that I was able to make you proud with everything I was able to do with your blessing.

Thank you simply isn’t enough.

To John Anderson. You continued to believe in me and support me since the very beginning of my sportswriting journey 11 years ago. I was just a guy with a massive love for sports who walked into the Wellsville Daily Reporter offices right off the street after seeing an ad for a sportswriting position in the paper, along with some encouraging advice from some family along the way. English and writing was never my strong suit, but it was an avenue I had considered broadening.

Somehow and some way from 2014 to now, I was able to make it all work behind your guidance after everything you’ve taught me. Because of it, we have been able to accomplish so much good over the years. And I wouldn’t take any of it back for anything in the world. So John, thank you so much.

To all the countless student-athletes I have been graciously honored to tell stories about, past and present. There has been so much awe-striking talent that has passed through this surrounding community of ours over the years. One of the biggest goals I always set for myself entering every season is that every single school in Allegany County deserves to have the opportunity to embrace the spotlight, no matter the magnitude of the event. I feel like I’ve done that.

Without you, telling your stories for everyone to know how incredibly gifted and special you were and are in your respective sports, would have been next-to impossible. For that, I thank you all so, so much.

To every athletic director and coach I’ve had an opportunity to meet and talk with over the years. You all have no idea how much you make my job easier with your emails, your phone calls, your game reports to help me become even more prepared for the sports seasons ahead, as well as trusting me to put out the best articles possible with what you’ve provided. Along with your endless gratitude in supporting what I’ve been able to do night in and night out, the words you have continued to express about my work are second to none, and I could not be any more appreciative for all of your support.

And finally, to you, the readers. Since we began this journey 11 years ago, you all have welcomed me into your homes with open arms and open eyes.

I have always been an “eye of the beholder” kind of writer. Whether it was through the old school newsprint back when I was with the Daily Reporter at the very beginning of my career, or leading up to right here on on your computers, your phones and your tablets, I’ve been able to write thousands of articles that make you feel like you’re right there at the game watching it firsthand. With them, I’ve been able to pair them with countless memories captured through a device on the sidelines that I humorously call my “life insurance policy”.

Many memories I hope you will continue to cherish in the times to come in your households, wherever you may be.

I also cannot exclude your overwhelming social media presence to help spread the word around to all of your families and friends about We have gone above and beyond together, extending our presence far and wide. For that, I am forever grateful.

I extend my most profound thank you to you all, for your support since the very beginning. So without further ado, let’s do it shall we? Let us enjoy this one last ride into the sunset together.

I’ll see you back outside in just a matter of weeks.


And/Whi girls soccer battles with Avoca-Prattsburgh, but early icebreaker, pair of late netters in 2nd half allow Lady Titans to start 2024 season with 3-0 blank


PHOTO: Wellsville Baseball awarded Sportsmanship Award by Allegany County Umpires Association