Andover, Whitesville to officially merge all athletic programs, beginning this school year

ANDOVER/WHITESVILLE — For many years, the rivalry between Andover and Whitesville has been one of many storied rivalries Allegany County budded across all sports. This past season, the two schools came together as one to compete last fall in the girls soccer circuit. After completing their first official season as a combined unit, conversation began to pick up steam around the possibility of expanding the merging across all sports.

On Wednesday, it was made official, as both Andover and Whitesville, beginning this upcoming school year, will combine all athletics programs in all forms of competition — a move that was officially approved by Section V. The move comes after both Genesee Valley and Belfast officially announced the merging (except for boys basketball) of all athletics programs before the year concluded.

Listed below is the official press release announcing the merging:

Andover, Whitesville Officials Welcome New Athletics Partnership

ANDOVER/WHITESVILLE — Following Board of Education approval from both Andover Central School and Whitesville Central School, officials announce the recent combining of all high school athletic programs between the two school districts.

The decision came after a year of successful combining of select sports teams due to lack of participation numbers. The full partnership, heading into the 2021-2022 school year, will begin with fall sports.

Andover Central School principal Jon Morris said that he is pleased with the support of both school communities and Boards of Education

“Over the past weeks, conversations have been extremely positive,” he said. “It seems that everyone can see the benefit to all students, and all parties are working hard to make the merge as seamless as possible.”

Whitesville Central School Superintendent, Tammy Emery, said that she is pleased with the new partnership and has been extremely impressed with the student athletes.

“These types of situations are not always easy, but I have seen such positivity and dedication from athletes and coaches in both communities,” she said. “They are excited about new sports options and the strength that can come from joining together.”

As part of the new athletic program, student from both districts will be provided transportation to all practices and contests that will be held in equal proportion in each community. Coaching appointments will be made by committee recommendation, which are subject to Board approval, and will include personnel from both districts.

Emery said that she is focused on communication as both districts move ahead in the process.

“We know there will be some learning as we navigate things like sports banquets, athletic honors, and school celebrations like Homecoming, but we are committed to being transparent in the process and making choices that will be most fulfilling for students.”

The partnership has been approved by Section V.


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